
NATURSTROM AG was founded by members of large environmental alliances such as BUND, NABU, BWE and Eurosolar in 1998. One year later Naturstom was the first independent ecological electricity provider on the German market. The goal from the beginning was not only to be able to provide electricity from 100% renewable resources but also to implement them intensively in the construction of new facilities in order to finally shut down the old power plants. In this way, every consumed kilowatt-hour of natural electricity displaces one kilowatt-hour of nuclear and coal power produced in the German power network. Full supply through renewable energies is a central topic in the film project “Energy Autonomy,” which will provide new impetus in the public discussion regarding this topic. In order to realise such an important project, ensuring it receives optimum attention, we support Fechner Media as a sponsor.
_Sponosr since 2009/01/22

Solar energy is the answer to rising energy demand in our society. It is clean, environmentally friendly, well-engineered and is available in unlimited supply. Our vision as GeckoLogic LLC consists of providing this technology of the future to a general public. That which is possible should become reality: a photovoltaic unit for every roof at affordable prices. We have been committed to this goal with our competency and experience since 2002. By now we have 120 employees at 6 locations in Germany making GeckoLogic LLC one of the main providers of photovoltaic systems. A client base of more than 2200 satisfied system owners represents our experience: every Gecko, whether technician, installer or customer service representative is involved with heart and mind. Hence, we are honoured to be in support of a film project on the topic of “renewable energies.”
_Sponsor since 2008/10/15

In Rhineland-Palatinate we have made it our target objective to become a state, which is able to cover ist energy demands with its own sources. This is challenging, but possible. The more people consciously participate, the better. Energy Autonomy is the ideal film for that.
Sponsor since 2007/02/06

Since 1975 Kyocera has been engaged in the usage of solar energy for producing of electricity (photovoltaics). The Japanese company has since then achieved a pioneer position in the field of photovoltaics, today it is one of the world's leading manufacturers of innovative polycrystalline PV modules of top quality and high efficiency. The climate change as well as the scarcity of fossil fuels such as oil and gas are two of the most significant problems of the future. Themed »We care« we made it our company's philosophy to access photovoltaics to all inhabitants of this planet. Therefore we actively get involved on all continents, in all cultures and under most different local conditions. »Energy Autonomy – The Code of Survival« shows solutions how energy problems can be solved in an environmentally aware way. Hence, for Kyocera it is no issue to support this unique film project and to take responsibility for our planet earth once more.
Sponsor since 2008/07/07

Since its founding in 1988, Paradigma has made the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of regenerative energy sources its goal. Hence, we also feel committed to the idea of Energy Autonomy.
Sponsor since 2008/06/26

Actions, which sharpen the consciousness of renewable energies around the world, are simply worthy of support, because we need a wide-scale entry into a new and sustainable energy future. For us sustainability also means: giving young people an image of what they can achieve in interesting career fields in the area of wind energy. We hope that more and more people will take hold of the possibilities wrapped up in renewable energies. This film can be an important step on this journey.
Sponsor since 2008/04/16

Without information and education, renewable energies are only half as valuable. We very much welcome this project and support it without reservation. With intelligence and enthusiasm, people are always capable of more than first meets the eye. As a result, long-term scenarios can always be far exceeded in cases where these factors are not part of the calculations. We are confident that this film project will not only move the energy turning point forward but also benefit all of humanity.
Sponsor since 2008/02/07

IBC SOLAR AG has been exclusively active in the photovoltaic sector since its founding in 1982. At this time the IBC Corporation with numerous subsidiaries in Europe and Asia services the world market with high-powered systems of all sizes – from the roof on a single-family home to a large scale solar project. So far more than 250 megawatts (MW) of photovoltaic power have been delivered worldwide through tens of thousands of solar power units. “The film is a platform for us to reach people. It helps us to activate the re-thinking process in people as well as motivate the consumer to choose renewable energies. It is important that we pursue this together – the film allows us to join forces.”(Udo Möhrstedt, CEO IBC Solar AG)
Sponsor since 2007/11/06

Energy is the biggest challenge we are facing today. Do we want to leave the coming generations nuclear risks, catastrophic climate problems and a world without resources or the option of setting up a life with “new energy?” Energy hunger is on the rise worldwide and there is war for oil. More than ever there is a decision to make between a civilization dependent on a few fading raw material reserves and one whose life energy is decentralized and derived from regenerative resources. This choice is of existential significance for us all. OSTWIND has started the journey using wind – in the meantime beyond Germany into a new Europe, where, by 2020, energy will be won from the earth, taken from the sky and extracted from the water.
Sponsor since 2007/08/27

We produce nuclear free energy with our own block style thermal power station at the Ritter Sport production plant in Waldenbuch, and we also have solar plants on the roofs of some of the company's buildings. In the building housing the museum, located near the production plant, geothermal power, among other types of energy, is utilized. One of the companies I have successfully established is Paradigma, which develops and distributes energy and environmental technology for ecological heating and housing technologies. The critical point for me was the Chernobyl catastrophe. As a result I am a founding member and board chairman for “Solar-Fabrik” in Freiburg. (Alfred Ritter)
Sponsor since 2007/08/01

AS Solar GmbH, specialist wholesaler for solar technology, stands for reaching the goal of 100% energy production from renewable sources. The AS Solar team feels responsible for living out solar ideas and fleshes that out with enthusiasm and unconventional thinking. Using fossil fuels and nuclear energy is not viable for us nor the following generations. AS Solar supports the film, “Energy Autonomy,” in order to create a public forum and sensitize humanity to this essential issue. Renewable energy provides the only possibility for enabling the creation of a global environment for peace and relative freedom for all. It is the only way the reconcile ecology and the economy. The film is a mouthpiece and inspiration for our vision. (Gerd Pommerien, AS Solar GmbH)
Sponsor since 2007/08/13

We all need to bear responsibility for our environment – an energy supply with 100% percent renewable energies will save the environment for the generation to come. This film informs the viewers and shows possibilities and chances. Being one of the leading producers of solar cells and developers of inverters, it is our motivation, to make the public aware of solar energy as the energy form of the future. (Roland Burkhardt, CEO Sunways AG – Photovoltaic Technology)
Sponsor since 2007/04/24

Prokon is active in the field of renewable energies since more than ten years. For that reason we are often surprised to see, to what extent the problem of future energy supply is conceived as threat in both financial and environmental respects. It is about time that the chances and possibilities of renewable energies are regarded not only as an option, but as a practical solution. We consider film the best medium to get this across.
Sponsor since 2007/04/05

One cannot demonstrate clearly enough that a worldwide transition to renewable energies is long overdue. For that, we work everyday with enthusiasm and commitment. With each new large-scale solar plant we make another step forward. “Energy Autonomy – The Code of Survival” offers solutions, and that is exactly what people need – it is educational work in the proper sense.
Sponsor since 2007/03/15

Being solar pioneers from the early on, we are constantly striving to find new ways of generating energy from the sun. Our technologies and products actively contribute to showing possibilities of energy transition and securing the energy supply of the future. Films like “Energy Autonomy – The Code of Survival” are important steps in sharpening people's consciousness in this field. (Peter Thiele, General Manager of the Sharp Solar Business Group Germany/Austria)
Sponsor since 2007/02/15

As an engineering office, specialized in building solar factories, we are directly benefiting from the success of renewable energies. To us, the film project “Energy Autonomy” offers a great opportunity to contribute to the continuation of this success story. We feel it is important to show solutions rather than.
Sponsor since 2007/02/04

Solarcomplex is convinced that a regional energy transition by 2030 is feasible both technically and financially. Time will show, whether it is also feasible mentally. The crucial hurdles to overcome are in our heads. The film project “Energy Autonomy – The Code of Survival” is making an important contribution to change everybody's attitudes. And this is why we support the project both financially and spiritually (Bene Müller, CEO solarcomplex).
Sponsor since 2007/01/22